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Website Accessibility FREE Evaluation

Website Accessibility FREE Evaluation

a person in a wheelchair graphic

Website Accessibility FREE Evaluation



There are over 1.3 BILLION people Worldwide with disabilities. 71% of customers with accessibility needs will click away from a website they find difficult to use.  22% of Canadians aged 15 or older are living with at least one disability that affects accessibility.


Web accessibility is the process of ensuring that your digital marketing including and especially your website, are created so that ALL users can access your content.  Some key areas that you might not be aware of in regards to your website and accessibility include:

  • Alternative Text (ALT TEXT) for all images
  • Colour contrast
  • Video & Audio Alternatives
  • Closed captioning for videos

Around the World, legislation is being put in place to ensure that businesses, government and nonprofit organizations move towards creating digital marketing and digital information that is accessible for everyone.

Here at Dufferin Media it is our goal to increase awareness of Web Accessibility among smaller business owners and nonprofit organizations.  We’d love to help YOU understand how you can make your website more accessible.  It’s not only good for social responsibility and reputation, it’s just the right thing to do.


We are offering a free, no obligation website evaluation that will check to see how many accessibility issues your website has in 10 key areas.  Just complete the form below and our accessibility team will be in touch within 48 hours.

Let’s Get Started!


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