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Tag: Social Media Marketing Strategy

Unveiling the Power of TikTok: Is it the Birthplace of Social Media Video Trends?

What’s Going Viral? Everything Your Business Needs to Know About the Importance of TikTok for Your Digital Marketing Strategy. The competition between social media platforms vying for attention is fierce. In 2018, TikTok stepped into a worldwide social media spotlight and has become a formidable contender, captivating audiences with its short-form video content.  When it…
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why social media is not sales media

Why Social Media is Not Sales Media

Why Social Media is Not Sales Media What Every Business Owner Needs to Know About Why Social Media is NOT Sales Media and What To Do About That! The first social media platform was launched in 1997 with the short-lived Six Degrees profile-uploading service. In 2002 LinkedIn was founded, 2003 saw the launch of MySpace,…
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social media marketing strategy

The Importance of Having a Social Media Marketing Strategy

The Importance of Having a Social Media Marketing Strategy What Every Business Owner Needs to Know About the Importance of a Social Media Marketing Strategy It’s no secret that social media marketing is a critical piece of the online puzzle for businesses of all sizes. But what is less well known is that having a…
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