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Take Your Website from Good to GREAT in just five EASY STEPS!

Take Your Website from Good to GREAT in just five EASY STEPS!

A great wild goat

Take Your Website from Good to GREAT in just five EASY STEPS!


Social media experts all agree you need a good website. Good is….. well….good. But why not aim for GREAT? A great website is responsive, easy to navigate, visually appealing and also full of good content. Who determines what makes a good website and how do you take your website from good to GREAT, or even to G.O.A.T.? It’s easy! Just follow these five tried and true steps and you’ll not only climb the mountain of success, but also reach the peak in no time!

Why has G.O.A.T. (and in our analogy, the goat) become a great acronym for success? We think it’s pretty self-explanatory. Goats are sure-footed; they rarely make a wrong step, they are always in search of alternative ways to “get to the top” and continually striving for the best. Sure in their case it’s grass but goats are the “Greatest Of All Time” because they never give up! So our first tip is to be like the goat and just keep going. Achieving website success is about never giving up and to never stop improving.


  1. Update, Update and Update Again!

    Your website is often the first place your customer will ever make contact with you. This is particularly true when you don’t have a “bricks and mortar” location. In that case, make sure your website is current, up to date and relevant. Don’t be the website that still has winter holiday hours posted in the spring, or pictures of Halloween products on display just in time for Canada Day. Keep it fresh. A website should be updated often to ensure it offers timely, relevant and CURRENT information. Consider offering monthly specials, contests or blog regularly with links back to your website to keep your site consistently ranked higher on search engines.

  2. Mobile-Friendly!

    Ever tried calling a business and no one answers the phone or worse, you’re put on hold FOREVER? Use the phone efficiently. A website needs to be responsive and in the world of computers, that means MOBILE-FRIENDLY. Like goats are mobile and agile (ok, we couldn’t resist another goat analogy) your website needs to be mobile and agile too. While it’s true a great website should be easy to navigate whether on a desktop, laptop or mobile phone, we know that these days, on average, at least 60% of people are accessing information from their mobile phones. That means your menu must be easily accessible and with just one click (or maybe two or three at most) your customer has been able to find what they need. If you haven’t updated your site in awhile – chances are it’s not user-friendly with modern cellphone technology. Fix it!

  3. A Visual Masterpiece

    Statistics also tell us that it takes about 50 milliseconds for people to decide to click on a website because they are drawn to how it looks. So while Momma always told us “looks don’t matter, it’s what’s inside that counts” she was only half right. A website needs to be visually appealing first and THEN full of great content to guarantee the customer will stick around for a while. Ensuring you have content full of useful tips and tools, great information on your products and services and easy links to all your social media and how to contact you is, just like Momma told us, very important. But first – like a peacock attracts a fellow peacock with a visually stunning display of feathers, so too must your website grab a potential customer’s attention.

  4. Don’t M.I.S.S. the K.I.S.S.!

    Make ISSimple that your customers can’t help but find you, contact you and buy from you and in “webspeak” that means Keep IShort and Simple. Whether your website has two, three, or five pages, make it so simple to navigate that your customer won’t get frustrated. Ensure your content is great; but also short, simple and to the point. Attach links to all your social media on every page and the same goes for your contact information. People don’t want to scroll back and forth. If they are on page three of your website, don’t make them “return to home page” to get in touch – have an accessible button on every page.

  5. Edit, Edit, Edit!

    Nothing frustrates us more than scrolling through websites and finding error after error after error. We know too, that more than 70 percent of respondents in past surveys have clearly indicated poor grammar and spelling mistakes sends them straight to your competitor. Goats are sure-footed and you should be too. Make sure your website has been proofread and edited by a professional for grammar, spelling and egregious content errors. (There’s a word for you!) Content really matters. Maybe Momma was right after all.

Good is good, but everyone knows GREAT is even better. Follow these easy tips for making your website the Greatest Of All Time and just like our friend the mountain goat, you’ll be standing tall at the peak of success in no time.

Do you need help creating or redesigning a website? The team at Dufferin Media can help!