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Webinar: Website Health

Webinar: Website Health

Webinar Website Health

Webinar: Website Health

Webinar: Website Health

Webinar: Website Health

At least 66.5% of Links to Sites in the Last 9 Years Are Dead.

How many broken links might you have on your website?  If over the past number of years you have included links to external websites, images, or videos on your website, and at some point those external sources were removed or disappeared from the internet this will have created broken (dead) links on your website.  These affect your user experience, as well as SEO.  Search engines such as Google monitor how many broken links exist on your website and may penalize you in the ranking process for not fixing them.  This means less traffic for you, and more for your competition.

This is just one small factor that you need to be aware of in your digital marketing strategy and in the overall health of your website.

This month our webinar is going to be focused on Website Health.  We will discuss:

  • domains, hosting & platforms
  • website maintenance
  • content management
  • website security
  • website errors

All of these factors can impact how well your business is operating online, how customers perceive you when they visit your website, and how Google considers your website for SEO ranking purposes.


Join Us for a Free Webinar to discuss Website Health

Join us on Wednesday October 26th for an information session on Website Health.

Hosted by Sarah Clarke, founder of Dufferin Media.

Our webinars are casual and informative, and Sarah will be on hand to answer any questions that you might have during or after the Webinar.

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