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Connect Your Business’s Shopify to Facebook and Instagram and Find Out What Happens; in 2023 and Beyond!

Connect Your Business’s Shopify to Facebook and Instagram and Find Out What Happens; in 2023 and Beyond!

Connect Your Business's Shopify to Facebook and Instagram | BLOG POST | Dufferin Media

Unlock the Potential in Your Business by Connecting Your Shopify Storefront to Facebook and Instagram Shops!

Connect Your Business’s Shopify to Facebook and Instagram | In today’s digital age, social media platforms have become powerful tools for businesses to reach their target audience and drive sales. By integrating your Shopify store with Facebook and Instagram Shops, you can take advantage of these platforms’ seamless shopping experience. 

Business owners, are you wondering if it’s worth it? Read on to discover the incredible benefits that come with linking your business’s Shopify to Facebook and Instagram Shops. Get ready to revolutionize how you connect with customers and boost your online presence like never before!


The key to e-commerce success is not just selling a product, but building a brand that customers can trust and connect with | Dufferin Media | BLOG POST | Shopify Storefront and Facebook and Instagram Shops

“The key to e-commerce success is not just selling a product, but building a brand that customers can trust and connect with.” – Unknown | @DufferinMedia

Should I Link My Shopify to Facebook and Instagram Shops?

If you’re a business owner with a Shopify storefront, you might wonder if it’s worth linking to Facebook and Instagram Shops. Well, the short answer is yes! By connecting these platforms, you can tap into a whole new world of opportunities for your business.

An online presence is crucial for business today, including optimized social media accounts. Social media enables businesses to build brand awareness while fostering a genuine brand voice which builds authentic connections, brand trust, and loyalty with the audience. Here is a list of the key factors that influence social media e-commerce performance.

Key factors that demonstrate and support how influential social media is becoming for e-commerce-linked platform sales:

    1. There are over 2.8 billion monthly active users on Facebook and more than 2 billion users on Instagram; these platforms provide a massive potential customer base waiting to discover your products
    2. Users are 53% more likely to buy from a business they can message
    3. Every week, 1 billion users message a business on the Facebook family of apps
    4. 130 million people engage with shoppable Instagram posts every month
    5. 44% of Instagram users shop on the platform every week
    6. 72% of Instagram users make a purchasing decision based on the Instagram content
    7. 37% of Facebook users will make an online purchase in 2023
    8. 54.9% of Facebook users follow or research brands and products through the platform
    9. Between 2019 and 2023, social media user purchases increased by 61%


There is no argument that social media isn’t valuable for business, but just how valuable and what are the benefits from an e-commerce perspective?

What Are the Benefits of Linking Shopify to Facebook and Instagram Shops?

Linking Shopify to Facebook and Instagram Shops provides business owners with a wide array of benefits, including the seamless expansion of their sales potential and online presence. The power of combining these powerful platforms allows businesses to easily showcase their products or services to an extensive social media audience. 


The Benefits of Linking your Shopify store to Facebook and Instagram Shops | Dufferin Media | BLOG POST | Shopify Storefront and Facebook and Instagram Shops

The Benefits: Expand your brand’s reach | Enhance the shopping experience for customers | Increase brand visibility through user-generated content sharing | Access invaluable customer insights along the way | @DufferinMedia

Here is a list of the benefits experienced by linking Shopify to Facebook and Instagram Shops:

  • Increase Visibility:
    By linking your Shopify store to Facebook and Instagram, you can significantly increase the visibility of your products. With millions of active users on these platforms, tapping into their vast audience base can greatly boost your brand’s reach.
  • Seamless Shopping Experience:
    Facebook and Instagram Shops provide a seamless shopping experience for customers. Integrating your Shopify store with these platforms allows potential buyers to discover and purchase products directly from within the social media apps, eliminating any friction in the buying process.
  • Tag Products in Posts: With the integration in place, you can easily tag your products in posts across both Facebook and Instagram. This feature lets interested shoppers learn more about specific items by clicking on tagged links or images. It enhances product discovery while providing a convenient way for users to explore their interests.
  • Gain Trust through Reviews: When customers make purchases through Facebook or Instagram Shops, they can leave reviews about their experience with your brand. Positive reviews build trust among prospective buyers and serve as valuable social proof that can influence others’ purchasing decisions.
  • Leverage Targeted Advertising Options: Linking Shopify with Facebook and Instagram Shops opens up powerful advertising opportunities. These platforms offer advanced targeting options based on demographics, interests, behaviors, and past purchase history. You can create customized ads tailored to specific audiences who are more likely to convert into paying customers.

Here is a list of the expanded benefits experienced by linking Shopify to Facebook and Instagram Shops:

  • Track Performance Metrics:
    Another benefit is access to detailed analytics and performance metrics provided by Shopify and social media platforms. This data will help you understand which marketing efforts drive sales conversions, enabling you to refine your strategies for better results.
  • Stay Ahead of Competitors:
    By connecting your business’s Shopify account with Facebook and Instagram Shops early on, you gain an edge over competitors who may not be utilizing this integration yet. It allows you to establish a strong online presence across multiple channels and reach potential customers who are active on these platforms.

No doubt incorporating your Shopify storefront with your Facebook and Instagram accounts will boost sales as you build brand awareness, loyalty, and trust with your audience. But, what exactly do entrepreneurs need to know before getting started?

FREE RESOURCES – Shopify and eCommerce Tips

What Do Entrepreneurs Need to Get Started?

Connect Your Business’s Shopify to Facebook and Instagram First and foremost, you’ll need an active Shopify account. If you don’t already have one, you can sign up for a free trial or choose from various pricing plans that suit your business needs. You will also need an Instagram Business Account connected to a Facebook Page linked to your Shopify store to allow for seamless product tagging on Instagram posts and stories.

In addition to these essentials, having quality product photos and descriptions is crucial for success in driving sales. Ensure that all images are high-resolution, visually appealing, well-lit, and effectively showcase each product’s features.

A consistent practice of staying engaged with customers on both platforms is key! Respond promptly to comments or direct messages from shoppers who are interested in purchasing from your online store via social media channels.

PROTip: Linking your Shopify store with Facebook and Instagram Shops opens up new opportunities for reaching potential customers while simultaneously increasing brand visibility across multiple platforms!

If the question “Where do I get started?” made you feel overwhelmed or unsure, we get it! That’s precisely why the trusted professionals at Dufferin Media can offer you and your business support to link your Shopify to your Facebook and Instagram platforms.

RELATED ARTICLE: 9 Ways Small Business Benefits from Using Social Media Marketing

How Can Dufferin Media Help Connect Your Business’s Shopify to Facebook and Instagram?

Our team of experts specializes in helping businesses leverage social media marketing strategies effectively and optimize their online presence.

In addition to this, Dufferin Media is a Shopify Partner and plays a crucial role in introducing new merchants to Shopify. This partnership allows us to provide solutions that help entrepreneurs start, sell, market, and manage their e-commerce businesses. 

“As the eCommerce industry grows, it is sometimes hard for small businesses to stay competitive. By becoming a Shopify Partner, we hope we can better assist entrepreneurs in creating professional online stores with more support and fewer headaches.” - Sarah Clarke @Dufferin Media | BLOG POST | Shopify Storefront and Facebook and Instagram Shops

“As the eCommerce industry grows, it is sometimes hard for small businesses to stay competitive. By becoming a Shopify Partner, we hope we can better assist entrepreneurs in creating professional online stores with more support and fewer headaches.” – Sarah Clarke @Dufferin Media

Dufferin Media Can Help Your Business Connect Your Shopify to Facebook and Instagram Shops and Here’s How:

  1. Setting up your Facebook and Instagram Shops. Our experts will ensure that all the necessary information is properly synced to allow for seamless product tagging and easy browsing for potential customers.
  2. Our team will assist you in creating eye-catching content that showcases your products in the best possible light. From engaging captions to visually appealing images, we understand how to capture the attention of users scrolling through their feeds.
  3. Additionally, we can help you run targeted advertising campaigns on Facebook and Instagram to maximize reach and generate more sales. By leveraging our expertise in audience targeting and ad optimization, we can drive qualified traffic to your Shopify store.
  4. Lastly, we can support analytics tracking services to measure the success of your social media efforts. We track key metrics such as click-through rates, conversion rates, and engagement levels so that you can make data-driven decisions when it comes to optimizing your marketing strategy.

FREE DOWNLOAD: 10 Killer Tips For Creating Amazing TikToks & Reels To Grow Your Business

A Shopify Partner and a Team of Specialists In Social Media, Websites, & SEO For Over Ten Years

Connect Your Business’s Shopify to Facebook and Instagram: Linking your social media accounts to your Shopify storefront is a game-changer in 2023 and as we make our way into 2024. As a team of experts in digital marketing and a Shopify Partner, Dufferin Media prides itself on creating high-quality content that resonates with your target audience. 

Our team of skilled professionals are experts in Social Media, Websites, and SEO optimization techniques. We will work to help your business create an e-commerce sales platform that can help maximize your sales potential.

Don’t fall short of the trends and lose sales as a result. By partnering with Dufferin Media, you’ll be able to leverage your Shopify storefront by aligning it with your social media platforms for increased brand visibility, customer engagement, and, ultimately, higher sales conversions. 

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