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Digital Marketing for In Home Care

Digital Marketing for In Home Care

Digital Marketing for In Home Care


Providing Home Care To Seniors? Here’s Why You Need A Strategic Digital Marketing Plan! 

The In-Home Senior Care Market is expanding rapidly and for good reason. More and more seniors are choosing to stay in their homes longer but in order to do so they may just need a little extra help along the way. Family isn’t always available but for families who love their special senior, finding an in-home senior care provider can be daunting. Why not make it easier for them to find you with a dedicated digital marketing strategy? We have the tools and know-how to help your business succeed in a competitive and growing marketplace with a stellar SEO strategy, posts that will attract attention on social media, and tools to help you retain the best PSW’s in the business! 


We know you are good at what you do but does your target audience know you? As part of your overall digital marketing strategy it makes good business sense to “do what you know” and hire experts for the rest. After all, as an in-home care provider for seniors, you’re relying on expert nursing and PSW staff to support your clients, so why not let the experts handle getting you even more customers? Here’s how:


  • First – Identify Your Target Market

You should know that the people you most want to connect with often aren’t the folks you’ll be providing with care. Certainly, some of your audience will be the well-connected and technology-friendly senior who recognizes they need a little help – whether that’s around the house, with some light meal preparation, bathing and dressing or more intensive care. However, often it is a family member who is looking for support for their loved one. In that case, you need to ensure you have a digital marketing strategy and SEO specifically designed to attract that audience. Choice of words, pictures, where and how you spend your advertising and digital marketing dollars should all be influenced by knowing seniors aren’t your only audience – it’s the people who care for them too.

  • Next – Show You Care

Use social media as a tool to show just how much you care about your clients. Share articles that may be of interest to those caring for a loved one. Share tips and tools for how to support a loved one at home. Share some photos (with permission) of some of your in-home caregivers showing compassion and care for a senior. Perhaps you are involved in the community, donate to the local food bank or take part in a “Fun Run” every year? If you do, talk about and promote these events too. It will help to establish your credibility in the community and keep you top of mind when it comes time for someone to consider looking for care for their loved one.

  • Consider – The Importance of Rankings 

The truth is, as much as caring is key to your business, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is key to both your success and ours! Often a family waits a little too long before asking for help or a medical crisis requires immediate intervention. If that’s the case, you want to be at or near the top of the search page when a family member turns to Google for help. Having both an SEO and Website/Social Media strategy already in place will help to ensure you’re ranking higher than your competition.


  • Staff Up and Stay That Way!

If together we work on each of the first three steps, this next one will be crucial. You’ll need staff! Before, during and likely for some time after the pandemic, PSW’s (Personal Support Workers) were already in short supply. These front-line workers are the backbone of your industry, as well as several others, so you’re going to need a solid recruitment strategy, a strong presence in the community and a commitment to honouring their important role in the care you provide your clients. Even here you can put social media to work. Use facebook and instagram to celebrate employee milestones like years of service, team member birthdays, create an employee of the month program, or a “Spotlight On….” Profile page where you share a little bit about your team members and their skills, accreditations, special interests, favourite food or time of the year and why. Get creative! This allows family members to see and to identify with your team and helps the team to feel recognized, involved and included as an important part of the success of your business. 


Providing care for a senior is an important calling and one that requires compassion, skill, and dedication. It takes a special person to visit, listen to and care for our older community members and families want to know their loved one is being cared for by some who – well – actually cares. If you are in the business of providing in-home personal care and support for seniors, concentrate on what you do best and let our team do the rest. Our business is to help your business succeed! 

Contact us today for a free discovery call to discuss your business!